ViaSat Data Allowance Policy
Exede Satellite Broadband Plans

Our goal is to give each of our customers the fastest service at the lowest price. To ensure that all ViaSat customers have equitable access to the network and that heavy usage by a small number of customers does not negatively impact the network performance for all customers, the ViaSat service utilizes a data allowance Policy (the "Policy"). This policy explains what happens when you use the maximum amount of data included in your plan. ViaSat Internet access is not guaranteed and is subject to this Policy.

We have several Exede Broadband plans available, each of which has a different monthly data allowance. We measure your data usage on a monthly basis and reset it to zero on the same day each month. Starting on the first day of your monthly measurement period, all uploaded and downloaded data transmitted using your ViaSat account counts toward your data allowance. You can view your data usage compared with your monthly data allowance at

If your data usage reaches 100% or more of your monthly data allowance, we will alert you of this fact. If at any time your data usage exceeds the data allowance, ViaSat may severely slow, restrict, and/or suspend your service, or certain uses of your service, until the end of your monthly measurement period. ViaSat may offer you the option of purchasing additional increments of data to use during the remainder of your measurement period. At the end of each monthly measurement period, your data usage resets to zero. Any unused data or additional purchased increments of data do not carry over to the next month.

The table below shows the data allowance for each data plan.

Broadband Plans
  Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Data Allowance (GB)
1, 2
10 15 25
1.  The data allowance is the volume of data that can be uploaded and downloaded during your measurement period.
2.  If you are a Recovery Act Program subscriber, your data allowance shall be as stated in the Recovery Act Addendum to your Customer Agreement.

This Policy contains important information about your use of the ViaSat service and your relationship with ViaSat. If you do not agree with this Policy, you are not permitted to use the ViaSat service and must terminate your account immediately, subject to the terms of your Customer Agreement. For additional information about permitted uses of the ViaSat service see their Acceptable Use Policy. For information about Viasat's network management practices please see their Network Management Policy .

ViaSat may revise this Policy from time to time upon notice by posting a new version of this document on,, or any successor URL(s). All revised copies of the Policy are effective immediately upon posting. Questions regarding this Policy can be directed to ViaSat via

Hours of Operation - Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm
Sales and Information - 888-200-8077
Tech Support 24 / 7 - 888-246-0064
Call SEI Communications at 1-888-200-8077 for service availability in your area. Service not available in all areas. A one-time standard installation fee of $499.99 and a monthly equipment lease of $11.35 (plus sales tax) applies. Speeds are not guaranteed. Actual speeds may vary. Optimal service requires a clear view of the southern sky. ViaSat is a service mark of ViaSat, Inc.